
secondary output stream of a software developer

Introducing Env Lint

We've been following the 12 factor approach of configuring our Rails apps through environment variables. Tweaking options through the env:set task provided by recap feels much more light weight than manually fiddling with yml files on the server. Moreover, the dotenv gem makes controlling your development environment very comfortable. While the .env file itself is not checked into version control, there is a .env.example file which acts as a starting point for new developers and documents the available options.

Still, there were some pain points left:

  • Whenever new variables were added to the app's configuration, the process of updating the staging and production environments turned out to be rather error prone. Even having carefully compared the lists of defined variables, only after booting the newly deployed app could one be sure that nothing was missing.

  • This was even harder as small spelling errors in variable names either in the code or on the command line were easy to miss.

  • Finally, the .env.example file would quickly become outdated, incomplete or simply incorrect.

To resolve all of these issues we came up with the env_lint gem, which is comprised of three components:

  • A wrapper around ENV called LintedEnv which fails loudly whenever variables are not defined or misspelled variable names are used.

  • A capistrano task to verify all required environment variables are defined on the production machine --- even before deploying a new revision of the app.

  • A rake task which helps developers make sure that their local environment is in shape.

For all of this the application's .env.example file becomes the primary source of truth. Only variables explained there can be used in the code or passed to tasks like env:set. The gem also parses the description comments to generate helpful error messages. A typical .env.example file looks like this:

# Host name used in absolute urls

# Redirect users to the https site

Commented out assignments signify optional variables. LintedEnv makes sure you always supply a default value when fetching one of these.

# => raises an error telling you to supply a default

All in all, it's almost impossible for your example file to rot. And when it's time to deploy, a simple

$ cap production env:lint

makes sure your app won't crash after restart only because an environment variable is missing.

More details can be found in the README.

Finally, the ci-config-generator is nice addition to this team, letting you define a file which contains a concrete, version controlled configuration which is verified in your continuous integration runs.

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